Abortion in Illinois
There’s a lot of information about abortion online, making it extremely difficult to sift through what’s real, what’s not, what to believe and who to trust. This is especially true when looking at abortion in Illinois , where laws are not always very clear. When you’re looking for abortion information, you shouldn’t trust just any article you find. Place your trust in a team of licensed medical professionals, who can empower you with factual information so you can truly make the best choice for you.
When considering abortion, we can help you with the initial steps:
- Confirm that you’re pregnant – ThriVe offers laboratory-quality pregnancy testing, performed by medical professionals. You will be given your test results on the day of your appointment.
- Make sure that your pregnancy is viable – ThriVe offers limited obstetric ultrasounds which will confirm the viability of your pregnancy. Since 1/4 of pregnancies may end in miscarriage, we don’t want you to have a procedure that you may not actually need. We can also refer you to a specialist if we find the possibility of a condition that requires special attention, like an ectopic pregnancy.
- Check your status – Having an active STI/STD at the time of an abortion procedure can put you at risk for serious health conditions that could affect your future. That’s why It’s important to get tested first. We can do that for you!What you can expect from ThriVe®?
- ThriVe Abortion education in the Metro East area
- We will cover the Abortion Health and Safety Checklist
ThriVe® offers
- Lab quality pregnancy testing & results
- Limited obstetric ultrasounds to confirm viability
- STD/STI testing
Information on Abortion Procedures:
1st Trimester
- RU-486 (Abortion Pill, which is not the same as the Morning After Pill)
- Within 4 to 10 weeks after last period
- Manual or electric Suction Curettage up to 13 weeks after your period
2nd Trimester
- Dilation and Evacuation 13 weeks and up after period
3rd Trimester
- Dilation and Evacuation Late Term Abortion 24 weeks to full term.
Thrive Metro East is here to help you make a well informed decision. Information about abortion in Illinois can unclear, let us help you get all the facts.
To get more information, call (618) 466-1690 or click to schedule your Pre-Abortion Screening.